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WEDR - Windows Explorer doesn't refresh

WEDR - Windows Explorer doesn't refresh: it describes a very common problem a lot of users are facing. It means you're a Windows user and when using the file explorer or desktop you notice it's not refreshing instantly. So, if you want to see the changes you made, you always have to refresh the explorer or desktop manually using the context menu - which is, in fact, a pain in the a**.

I've looked for a while in forums for a solution to this problem and usually found the hint to go to the System Registry, look for an entry called don't refresh under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\CLSID (64bit system). Then you set the don't refresh entry to 0.

But I was so unlucky and this didn't help. I already started thinking it might be a problem caused by my AMD processor and Windows, ‘cause I’ve never had such a problem with an Intel processor and Windows before.

What finally helped - and here's thanks to the guy who posted the genius answer - was:

Again to use System Registry, to look for Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop and there to set the entry called MenuShowDelay instead of 400 (standard) to something between 4-28. I used 28 and from this moment on everything was fine again.



Lately I ran into this problem again and nothing of the above still worked for me. So, I did a web search again and found the following advice which solved the issue this time for me: 

In the Windows Explorer Quick Access I had a network folder which wasn't active anymore. The solution was to remove this network folder from my Quick Access (which took a while, I already thought it crashed) and after that my Win explorer and desktop refreshed again the same instant when I changed something.